Celebrating Creativity, Content and Creation

What the award is all about

Creator Honors 2024, an initiative by Uptrendly, is a dynamic award ceremony dedicated to celebrating outstanding creators. This unique platform offers a stage for creators to showcase their talents, encouraging a diverse array of applicants in the food industry to vie for recognition.

Why should you apply

Amplify your talents and gain well-deserved recognition for your efforts. Connect to your community of creators and like-minded individuals. Elevate your profile by being chosen as the best in a particular category.

How to apply?

STEP 1 Open Uptrendly & Sign In as a Creator
Open the Uptrendly app
Sign in as a Creator
STEP 2 Apply for the Creator Honors Campaign
Go to the Creator Honors Campaign
Click "View Details" in the Creator Honors campaign card
Tap "Send collaboration request"
STEP 3 Submit your work
Wait to be accepted in the campaign
Once accepted, send your submission by tapping the “Final Link” button in the campaign chat screen.

Award Categories

Rising Star

An emerging food creator showing immense promise.

Breakthrough Food Content Of the Year

Your Best performing Video of the year these are the changes.

Most Creative Showcase of Local Cuisine

A new and original representation of popular local cuisine.

Best Brand Collaboration

Celebrating mutually successful partnerships.

Best Use of Trends

Showcase of exceptional creativity via relevant trends.

Best Use of Audio/Visuals

Harness the power of sounds and visuals.

Follower Love

Creators who have built an authentic and engaging community.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Food content creators and influencers can apply.

No. It is free.

A carefully hand-picked jury of industry experts will be choosing the winners. The jury will carefully score each entry against a set criteria. The scores will be combined and debated at a physical judging day and a winner will be determined.

15th December 2023

21st January 2024

31st January 2024

Terms & Conditions

From eligibility criteria to submission guidelines and judging process, navigate the rules of Creator Honors. Understand rights, publicity, and disqualification protocols for participation.

Read here

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